Launch of the Prisacani School of Arts and Crafts Website; 7 feb 2008

On February 7th, 2008 the Prisacani School of Arts and Crafts, Iasi County website ( was officially launched. The fresh, dynamic and professional look of the site reflects the management style of the school. It is our hope that this website will help the Prisacani School to achieve greater visibility.

The site was created pro-bono by Alpso Consulting Group from Bucharest, Romania; they have also created the third version of our website. Furthermore, the company and its manager, Puiu Ionel, has become one of our most important sponsors; most recently they fully sponsored one of our scholarship students. We kindly thank them for their corporate social responsibility.

The domain for the site was purchased and will be maintained by the ‘Daniel Murariu’ Foundation with funds provided by Romeu Murariu, Ph.D. whom we kindly thank.